FAR INFRARED: Anti-aging Sauna Treatment Package
Boost your Metabolism, Reduce Body Fat, Remove Toxins, Experience Deep Relaxation and Slow Down Aging! Pressed for time? Each Session is only 15 minutes.
Please contact Lee Ann to schedule your appointment.
1 Session = $20
5 Pack of Sessions = $85 (Save $15) when pre-purchased
Boosts Metabolism Far Infrared Energy pulsates the water molecules in the body. This improves capillary function, allowing the water molecules to easily enter, revitalize, and regenerate the body’s cells.
Burns Calories The Far Infrared Sauna can produce 2 to 3 times the sweat of other FIR. Using the sauna for 15 minutes could easily burn about 600 calories, the equivalent of running 4-6 miles, or doing a 45 minute cardiovascular workout.
Enhances Detox FIR Sauna can open up the pores in the body and release the toxins that are building up inside. It can clean up the body and reduce the workload of the body in removing toxins.
Reverses the Aging Process Americans are used to sitting for extended periods, often over-eat, usually do not exercise regularly, and are often susceptible to chronic disease and aging. The FIR Sauna can raise the metabolic rate, enhance beauty, and reverse the aging process.