NIA Holistic, Healing, Dance-Based Fitness for Every Body


Classic NIA is a holistic fitness class combining movement from the dance arts, martial arts and healing arts, including yoga. Anyone can do NIA-it is appropriate for all levels of fitness and agility. Students are encouraged to modify all movements according to their own body’s needs. Movements are simple and leave lots of room for self-expression. Classic NIA is a fun, cardiovascular experience that gives you a new body and a new life.

NIA or Neuromuscular Integrative Action, is a sensory-based movement practice fusing nine different movement forms from the dance arts, martial arts and the healing arts including yoga. As a cardiovascular exercise, Nia builds flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability. It is effective for weight-loss and is known to help many conditions including depression, asthma, diabetes, arthritis and fibromyalgia to name a few. Bethamie balances the joy, excitement and fun of Nia with its calming, healing components and offers classes to women, men and teens of all abilities.

“Nia came into my life as a gift and I am so grateful to be able to share this healing experience others.” An instructor since 2008, Bethamie Wyatt, CECP, Certified NIA Instructor, MLS, Healing In Motion, facilitates Nia classes and workshops that encourage community and connection among class participants. Impressions from her cultural experiences in Senegal, West Africa and Belize, Central America can be felt in her classes through the sounds and rhythms of these musically rich places. Each gathering with Bethamie is a unique experience with a blend of broad influences that allow her to provide a quality education around health and movement wellness while building a rapport with a diverse group of participants.

After a class with Bethamie, you are sure to step into your day on the “Nia cloud” – strong and determined yet relaxed and rejuvenated!


Qigong Mind/Body Teachings:
Level 3- Higher Being

A unique system of mind/body awareness and integration, based on an ancient Eastern meditation practice called qigong, which has its roots in Taoist and Buddhist contemplative practices.

Hana’s teachings espouse the concept that everything in the universe is animated by energy, known in the East as qi or prana, and at its subtlest, highest level it is called the cosmic Consciousness (the Tao, sunyata). Humans are seen as the Consciousness expressing itself through physical form.

Through a highly experiential practice, students gain deeper awareness of their own energy and the relationship of the Consciousness with their physical body, integrated the two seemingly separate aspects of themselves into a whole – an inner transformation that empowers them to express their full potential as human beings.

Students start with simple exercises Hana calls “movements with intent” that incorporate breath, gentle movement, and visualization, before easing into guided meditations.

Through regular practice students gain a calm, joyous mind, increased mental focus, improved ability to handle stress, and increased stamina and flexibility, both physical and mental.


Qigong Soul/Body Series:
Level 2- Soul/Body Integration

This is a unique study program, developed by Hana.  Through a highly experiential practice, students gain deeper awareness of their energy body (or Soul) and its relationship with their physical body.  Students learn to integrate the two seemingly separate aspects of themselves into a whole – an inner transformation that empowers them to express their full potential as awakened human beings.

 Hana’s teachings espouse the concept that everything in the universe is animated by energy, known in the East as ‘qi’ or ‘prana’ and at its subtlest, highest level it is called the Cosmic Consciousness (the tao, sunyata).
Humans are seen as energy beings, expressing this sacred Presence through their physical form.



Qigong Mind/Body Teachings:
Level 1- Mind/Body Awareness

A unique system of mind/body awareness integration based on an ancient Eastern meditation practice called qigong, which has its roots in Taoist and Buddhist contemplative practices.

Hana’s teachings espose the concept that everything in the universe is animated by energy, known in the East as qi or prana, and at its subtlest, highest level it is called the cosmic Consciousness (the Tao, sunyata). Humans are seen as the Consciousness expressing itself through physical form.

Through a highly experiential practice, students gain deeper awareness of their own energy and the relationship of the Consciousness with their physical body, integrated the two seemingly separate aspects of themselves into a whole – as inner transformation that empowers them to express their full potential as human beings.

Students start with simple exercises Hana calls “movements with intent” that incorporate breath, gentle movement, and visualization, before easing into guided sitting meditations.

Through regular practice students gain a calm, joyous mind, increased mental focus, improved ability to handle stress, and increased stamina and flexibility, both physical and mental.




An Evening of Sound & Meditation with Lee Ann Baum, LMT, CS and Hana Holbus, MSOM, L.Ac.

Decrease your stress level and revitalize your energy, open your mind and body to a new level of inner awareness. Experience the powerful combination of a guided group meditation accompanied by the sound of crystal bowls!

To receive updates and register, please email to [email protected]


NIA Holistic, Healing, Dance-Based Fitness for Every Body


Classic NIA is a holistic fitness class combining movement from the dance arts, martial arts and healing arts, including yoga. Anyone can do NIA-it is appropriate for all levels of fitness and agility. Students are encouraged to modify all movements according to their own body’s needs. Movements are simple and leave lots of room for self-expression. Classic NIA is a fun, cardiovascular experience that gives you a new body and a new life.

NIA or Neuromuscular Integrative Action, is a sensory-based movement practice fusing nine different movement forms from the dance arts, martial arts and the healing arts including yoga. As a cardiovascular exercise, Nia builds flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability. It is effective for weight-loss and is known to help many conditions including depression, asthma, diabetes, arthritis and fibromyalgia to name a few. Bethamie balances the joy, excitement and fun of Nia with its calming, healing components and offers classes to women, men and teens of all abilities.

“Nia came into my life as a gift and I am so grateful to be able to share this healing experience others.” An instructor since 2008, Bethamie Wyatt, CECP, Certified NIA Instructor, MLS, Healing In Motion, facilitates Nia classes and workshops that encourage community and connection among class participants. Impressions from her cultural experiences in Senegal, West Africa and Belize, Central America can be felt in her classes through the sounds and rhythms of these musically rich places. Each gathering with Bethamie is a unique experience with a blend of broad influences that allow her to provide a quality education around health and movement wellness while building a rapport with a diverse group of participants.

After a class with Bethamie, you are sure to step into your day on the “Nia cloud” – strong and determined yet relaxed and rejuvenated!

NIA Holistic, Healing, Dance-Based Fitness for Every Body


Classic NIA is a holistic fitness class combining movement from the dance arts, martial arts and healing arts, including yoga. Anyone can do NIA-it is appropriate for all levels of fitness and agility. Students are encouraged to modify all movements according to their own body’s needs. Movements are simple and leave lots of room for self-expression. Classic NIA is a fun, cardiovascular experience that gives you a new body and a new life.

NIA or Neuromuscular Integrative Action, is a sensory-based movement practice fusing nine different movement forms from the dance arts, martial arts and the healing arts including yoga. As a cardiovascular exercise, Nia builds flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability. It is effective for weight-loss and is known to help many conditions including depression, asthma, diabetes, arthritis and fibromyalgia to name a few. Bethamie balances the joy, excitement and fun of Nia with its calming, healing components and offers classes to women, men and teens of all abilities.

“Nia came into my life as a gift and I am so grateful to be able to share this healing experience others.” An instructor since 2008, Bethamie Wyatt, CECP, Certified NIA Instructor, MLS, Healing In Motion, facilitates Nia classes and workshops that encourage community and connection among class participants. Impressions from her cultural experiences in Senegal, West Africa and Belize, Central America can be felt in her classes through the sounds and rhythms of these musically rich places. Each gathering with Bethamie is a unique experience with a blend of broad influences that allow her to provide a quality education around health and movement wellness while building a rapport with a diverse group of participants.

After a class with Bethamie, you are sure to step into your day on the “Nia cloud” – strong and determined yet relaxed and rejuvenated!


Contact Alana to reserve your treatment time!  Sessions are filling up fast . . . schedule a time convenient for you!

Come and enjoy a relaxing 30-minute acupuncture treatment in a group setting, where multiple patients receive treatment at the same time. Just contact Alana to schedule your appointment, remove your shoes and roll up your pants and sleeves!


Contact Alana to reserve your treatment time!  Sessions are filling up fast . . . schedule a time convenient for you!

Come and enjoy a relaxing 30-minute acupuncture treatment in a group setting, where multiple patients receive treatment at the same time. Just contact Alana to schedule your appointment, remove your shoes and roll up your pants and sleeves!


Contact Alana to reserve your treatment time!  Sessions are filling up fast . . . schedule a time convenient for you!

Come and enjoy a relaxing 30-minute acupuncture treatment in a group setting, where multiple patients receive treatment at the same time. Just remove your shoes and roll up your pants and sleeves!